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client testimonials

what they have to say about working with me

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mindset coach


"I love Chanelle’s authenticity. She shared a lot of knowledge and her story resonated with me. I wanted to work with someone who looked like me and could understand my struggles and I felt she represented herself in a way that was what I was looking for in a coach.


I was unsure of everything, lost and confused about who I was. Shameful regretful constantly comparing myself to other people. I cared way too much about how people felt. I was afraid to share my story or show my true self. I was unaware of how the story I told myself was affecting how I showed up in the world.


Working with Chanelle helped me find my voice. Let go of the past and showed me how I wanted to show up for for myself and my clients . I discovered what I wanted to teach and how I wanted to run my program. She taught me so many valuable tools to combat limiting beliefs and things that just don't work for me. She helped me formulate a social media schedule that I could actually stick with. Helped me develop my own personal program. Connected me with so many amazing female entrepreneurs and helped me get into the identity of a business owner. She helped me figure out that I needed to get started.


Having Chanelle as coach is an inspiration of how I want to authentically show for myself and for my clients. I have been able to improve on my communication, notice what triggers me and saying no to things that I don’t want. I show up the way I want to. I feel proud of my self and where I have been. I have been able to make peace with who I am and I am happy to share my story and work to inspire people .


I’m seeing the power of transformation just within my own life and my business and a great deal of comes from working with Chanelle. My relationships have improved and my energy is attracting people and relationships that I want in my life and my business. She helped me get started and helped me show up and embody being a coach."




"I got tired of being limited in my own mind- limited and trapped in my negative thoughts, and not living to my fullest potential. I wanted a change. A better way of thinking, being, & living.


Before working with Chanelle, I was depressed, unfulfilled, at a job that made me unhappy. stagnant, bored and settling. I have a new job that came from doing this work that’s as good as it gets with everything I asked for! Now I live life on my terms, feel empowered and IN my power, face my fears, and truly feel limitless.


I was stuck at a job that made me so unhappy and wasn’t paying me what I felt I was worth. I wasn’t appreciated. I didn’t have very good self esteem, I held onto pain and emotional distress form my past, and had a negative image of myself. I was a people pleaser, always worried and complained compulsively.


Now I have learned I have discernment, to let it guide me, to feel more, and to live without limits and truly be my best self. I have a positive image of myself, have faced more fears than I ever have in my life, healed relationships from my past including my fathers whom I developed abandonment issues as a result of Him and my moms divorce. We are so incredibly close now.


I feel empowered and in my power as a woman and have learned to be so grateful to life, present in the money, & that we make our own magic. Anything is possible. I got so inspired from Chanelle’s work and the change it made in my life that I now want to inspire others and be a coach as well. I found the center of myself and unraveled and discovered myself at the deepest of levels.


I feel so incredibly excited for life. All things! I’ve truly come to understand the power of mindset and feel this program has given me everything I need to live a fulfilling life as a woman and human. My life has transformed in ways I’ve prayed for and It truly was one of the best decisions I have very made in my lifetime."


"You have changed my life. Eyes watering as in typing, legit. The work you are doing is absolutely phenomenal. Your are such an incredible soul! & I believe you are waking up the light workers of the world and allowing them to spread theirs as well. Your work has made me a different person. I’m becoming the woman I have always wanted to be. All the things you taught me, I carry with me daily! Since finishing your program I have healed the relationship that has been broken with my father for sixteen years, my grandmother passed and I could only be so grateful because you showed me to see gratitude and such beauty in all things. I have a soul tribe! My discernment is craaaazy and I didn’t even have it at all. It was not developed. Bless you. Thank you so much for everything. I’m eternally grateful for your grace, kindness, transparency, wisdom, and for shining your light and spreading your gifts with me and everyone else!"

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"I was at a place where I was fed up with my own self but still cared enough about myself to make a major change.


Before working with Chanelle I was sad, depressed, angry, confused, unhappy and working for a limited, predictable wage each month.


This program has made me notice my patterns, my unhealthy choices and most definitely my limiting beliefs and how they come about. I am now able to be confident enough to start my business and persist even in the face of limiting beliefs that I continue to prove wrong.


Im not going backward. I have the tools to never go back to being so lost. I know Chanelle will always be there for me whenever I need her, so I'm thankful!" 




"I was called to work with Chanelle because I absolutely love her and her energy!


Before working with her I was at a place where I felt I couldn't grow any more personally without help, wasn't showing up confidently or fully in my life or businesses. 


This program allowed me to dive deeper into my personal development, it taught me not just where I needed to make changes in my life but how to actually implement them. It helped me accept myself and release some of the things that were holding me back from showing up fully and stepping into my truth. 


Moving forward I know that theres much more growth to come because growth is constant but I feel way more prepared to take on the changes that that growth creates, I feel more aware and understanding of myself which makes me feel a lot more confidence and trust in myself and my intuition, moving forward I know I can show up as myself without guilt or fear of judgment."


Even more testimonials available on my IGTV under series > client testimonials. 100's of screen shots in "client love" story highlights

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